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CAIRO — Guitarist Abe Ovadia will perform modern jazz at 7 p.m. Sept. 9 at the Cairo Public Library, 15 Railroad Ave., Cairo. Refreshments served. Admission is free.
DELMAR — Q.U.I.L.T. Inc. will meet at 9:45 a.m. Sept. 9 at the Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar. QUILT Inc. is a not-for-profit guild of quilters interested in learning about the art of making quilts. Members live in the Capital Region and surrounding communities. All levels of quilters are welcome. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month September through June. For the September meeting, a brief business meeting begins at 9:45 a.m. followed by Meet Our Members, Show and Share and an Open Sew. Visit for more details.
SAUGERTIES — The Katsbaan Ladies Aid Society will sponsor a Mum Sale, Yard Sale and Bake Sale, rain or shine, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 in the Katsbaan Reformed Church Hall, 1801 Old Kings Highway, Saugerties. There will be lots of colorful Chrysanthemum plants as well as tables full of household items, books, toys, games, jewelry, DVDs, etc., and delicious homemade baked goods. Visit for information.
CORNWALL — Join the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum for Butterfly Day 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the Outdoor Discovery Center, 120 Muser Drive (off Angola Rd) in Cornwall. Enjoy games, sweep netting, the caterpillar enclosure, migration station, play in Grasshopper Grove and a craft. Children and adults alike will get a thrill getting “up close and personal” with butterflies in the Butterfly Tent. With the purchase of each ticket, you will also be registering for a half hour slot during which you will have several minutes to enter and enjoy the Butterfly Tent offered at 10, 10:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 2 and 2:30 p.m. Be a Citizen Scientist as you observe Nature Educators tag and release Monarch Butterflies at noon and 3 p.m. as part of “Monarch Watch. Recommended for ages 3 and older. Pre-registration is required. HHNM Members, $8 ages 3 and older; Not- yet-members, $12 per person ages 3 and older. Children under 3 are free. Entrance to Grasshopper Grove is included in the admission price. Visit or call 845-534-5506 for registration and more information.
ATHENS — The TGM American Legion Post 187, 94 Second St., Athens, will hold their Fall Fling Flea Market and Craft Fair 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 11 with set up beginning at 7:30 a.m. Vendors are welcome and applications are available at the Facebook page or at the post. Indoor spaces are 6’ by 8’ and are $25; outdoor spaces are 10’ by 10’ and are $35. Proceeds to benefit the kitchen renovation project.
COEYMANS HOLLOW — CCE Albany County & Stanton Dairy Farms are hosting Albany County Family Farm Day 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 11 at Stanton Dairy Farms, 7 Biers Road, Coeymans Hollow. Experience agriculture with Cornell Cooperative Extension Albany County and the Stanton Family as we celebrate 150 years of 6th generation dairy farming at Stanton Dairy Farms. This event is free, rain or shine and open to the public.
GUILDERLAND — Rotary Clubs from throughout the Capital Region District 7190 are sponsoring the 24th annual “Gift of Life International Golf Tournament” Sept. 12 at Pinehaven Country Club in Guilderland. The tournament provides funding to bring infants and children to Albany Medical Center for pediatric heart surgery. For further information and to register to play or to support the event through sponsorships or program advertising go to events at Home ( To donate an auction item, be in touch with Patricia Herman at
DELMAR — The Delmar Community Orchestra will begin rehearsals for its Fall Season 7:30-9 p.m. Sept. 12 at the Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar. The Orchestra, conducted by Michael Blostein, rehearses weekly on Monday evenings, and will perform public concerts in October and December. The Orchestra is currently seeking musicians in all sections: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. New members are especially welcome, and instrumentalists 16 and older are invited to participate. For information, visit the DCO website at or contact DCO President Kate Henson at or 315-363-3844.
COXSACKIE — The Coxsackie United Methodist Church, 103 Mansion St., Coxsackie, will serve a take out only chicken barbecue 4-6:30 p.m. Sept. 15. Catered by Frese’s Catering, half chicken, baked potato, corn, cole slaw, roll, butter and cookies. Tickets are $15. Tickets must be purchased by Sept. 7. Tickets are available from any church member or by calling 518-428-9600 or 517-731-8072. For delivery, call 518-428-9600. Pick up in Lafayette Avenue parking lot.
COXSACKIE — Ron Gabriele will present the program War Dogs at 7 p.m. Sept. 15 at the Vedder Research Library in Coxsackie. Gabriele will examine the history of dogs on the battlefield. The program is free and open to the public. The program will be held in the reading room of the Greene County Historical Society’s Vedder Research Library located on the grounds of the Bronck Museum.
CATSKILL — A Golf Fundraiser for the Catskill Elks Lodge will be held Sept. 16 at the Catskill Golf Club. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. and golf begins at 10 a.m. The cost is $100 pp for golf with cart, continental breakfast, refreshments on the course and a roast pork dinner after golf. Call Rip at 518-929-1731 to sign up to play or to sponsor a tee sign.
GREENVILLE — The Clematis Garden Club will meet at 1 p.m. Sept. 16 at the American Legion Post 291 picnic grounds on Maple Avenue, Greenville. Speaker is Ashley Jensen presenting ‘Herbs and Plant Remedies’ to boost the immune system. She will introduce us to creative and medicinal uses of herbs for healthy choices. Jensen will also explain how to keep our favorite herbs growing even during the winter months. Refreshments will be ‘Make your own Sundae’ with a short business meeting following. Guests are very welcome. Clematis Garden Club includes almost 50 members from Greene, Schoharie and Albany counties. For information, call Jean Horn at 518-966-4260.
HAINES FALLS — The Mountain Top Historical Society on Route 23A in Haines Falls, will be opening its Ulster and Delaware Train Station for the 10th year to host post card collectors and dealers. Beginning at 10 a.m. and remaining open until 3 p.m. Sept. 17, John Duda and others will be there to share their latest acquisitions with the focus on the Catskills and the Mountain Top area. Stop by to look around, chat with the dealers and fellow collectors and, possibly, find that special card you need for your collection.
COEYMANS HOLLOW — Trinity United Methodist Church, 1313 Route 143, Coeymans Hollow, will host the Lord’s Acre Auction And Fair 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 17. Vendors, old favorite booths, thrift store open, bake sale, Rada sale and make your own Stewart’s Sundae. The Auction begins at 1 p.m. with many gift cards, certificates and baskets from various business as well as a generous donation of WOOD PELLETS from Collins and Sons.
RENSSELAER — Crailo State Historic Site and the Friends of Fort Crailo present Harvest Faire, an event with something for everyone in the family 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 1 at 9 1/2 Riverside Ave., Rensselaer. This annual fall festival is free to the public and is presented in conjunction with the Hudson River Ramble. The event is weather permitting, and the rain date is scheduled for Sept. 18. Crailo’s historic grounds and Hudson River park set the scene for the event, which features Native American and Dutch Colonial reenactors, colonial music and demonstrations. Performers and musicians wander around the grounds throughout the day, and the museum and historic home will be open for self-guided visitation. Free Stewart’s ice cream, while supplies last.
HUDSON — FASNY will host the Bob McKinney Memorial Fire Prevention Event: Dalmation Day 2022 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 24 at FASNY, 117 Harry Howard Ave., Hudson. Admission is free. Included in the festivities will be Meet & Greet Live Dalmatians; Games with Prizes for Kids; Dalmatian-Themed Craft Projects; Juggling Show by Joshua J. Superstar; Interactive Safety House Tours; Puppet Show and more. All activities are free and free admission to the Museum will also be offered during the event. Reservations are not required.
ALBANY — The Capital District Genealogical Society will meet at 1 p.m. Sept. 24 via Zoom. Registration is free and will open to the public on Sept. 16. See] under meetings and events. There is a 100-person limit. Members of the CDGS Write Your Family History group have been working with writing coach Paul Lamar to craft compelling stories from their family history research. As genealogists, we know that the real interest in doing our digging is to make our ancestors come alive - to put meat on the bones of a skeletal chart. Paul will moderate a program featuring some of the writers in the group sharing a selection of their best stories. Come hear tales of fascinating people and be inspired to join us and write some of your own.
ALBANY — The Tech Valley High School board will open its reorganization and regular meeting at 6:20 p.m. Sept. 29 at 246 Tricentennial Drive, Albany and will hold a public hearing for the purpose of hearing comments on Tech Valley High School Policy 5000, Student Code of Conduct. Notice of the hearing has been posted to the website, email notice and published in the official newspapers of Questar III BOCES and Capital Region BOCES. There are no changes to the Code of Conduct. Comments may also be submitted via email to no later than 5:20 p.m. Sept. 29.
CATSKILL — The Catskill Elks Lodge, 45 North Jefferson Ave., Catskill, will serve a chicken barbecue 4:30-6 p.m. Oct. 6, pick up only. The menu includes half a chicken, baked potato, corn coleslaw and dessert. Tickets are $15. Must pre-order by Sept. 30 by calling Brenda at 518-945-1179.
CATSKILL — The First Reformed Church of Catskill, 310 Main St., Catskill, will be holding their annual fall rummage sale 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 7 and 9 a.m.-noon Oct. 8. There will be tons of items available. Clothing for kids and adults, DVDs, home goods, books, jewelry and more.
CATSKILL — The Catskill Elks Lodge is hosting a Turning Stone Bus Trip Oct. 20. The bus will leave at 7:30 a.m. from the lodge. The cost is $40 for transportation, continental breakfast, bingo OR slot bonus and food voucher. Reserve seats no later than Oct. 14; call Emily at 518-610-3634.
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